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Dev#5:  Glad you added some music and sound affects to the game!  The first time I heard the frog sound it brought a smile to my face.  I noticed that when I die, a try again button didn't show up.  Glad to see this project made it to Day 6.  Great job continuing it!

Thanks for the feedback :)
Btw, would you be open to me continuing it outside the jam at some point?

Dev #1 here: Great game it could use a little more polish but overall great game!

Thanks for the feedback :)

I actually wanted to do a lot more with it but my brain had started leaking out my ears a little by that point...

Ima ask the other devs too, but do you have any objection if i tried to do more with it at some point this summer?

Feel free to continue the project if you want, I have no objections!

Ok, cool! :)

This game is pretty cool. Gameplay was solid. I also really liked the background music. I found it a little too easy to avoid mobs in pursuit of the door, and also I wasn't sure what health I was at but I think that with some minor tweaks and visual improvements this would be really awesome. I like this style of game a lot.

The health never quite worked properly... I apologise for that. I might try to patch it up a little, maybe once the jam's been judged

I wonder when they're gonna judge the games!

Me too tbh... Not seen anything on the blackthornprod channel in a good couple of weeks

Really fun game! I enjoyed the combat!

Thanks! :D